Welcome to frum.finance Community Surveys

Discover, Learn, and Contribute to the Financial Well-being of Our Community

Welcome to our comprehensive collection of community financial surveys! Here at frum.finance, we are committed to providing valuable insights and resources tailored to the financial needs and considerations of the frum community. Our surveys cover a wide range of topics, including wedding costs, bar and bas mitzvah expenses, monthly budgeting, and more, offering a detailed look at the financial norms and practices within different neighborhoods.

Anonymity and Data Safety: Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. We guarantee that all survey data is completely anonymized to protect the identities of participants. Additionally, we only publish data when we have gathered enough responses from a specific neighborhood. This ensures that the published information is both accurate and secure, preventing any possibility of tracing data back to individual respondents.

Community-Centric Data: Our surveys are designed with the unique lifestyle and halachic considerations of the frum community in mind. By participating, you are not only gaining insights into your financial planning but also contributing valuable data that can help others in similar situations.

Current Available Surveys

Published Data

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