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Budget Intake Form
We will anonymize any and all data before publishing, but need to collect it so we can deduplicate or follow up with clarifying questions



Where do you live?*

Where do you live?*

Where do you live (other)?

Where do you live (other)?

Do you have a budget or will you be guesstimating?*

Do you have a budget or will you be guesstimating?*


How many kids do you have?*

How many kids do you have?*

What are their ages? Separate in a comma separated list

What are their ages? Separate in a comma separated list

Each question will be in a section either titled monthly or annual. Please be sure to answer the question using the appropriate number of a monthly number if you’re in a monthly section, or an annual number if you’re in an annual section. Does this make sense?*

Each question will be in a section either titled monthly or annual. Please be sure to answer the question using the appropriate number of a monthly number if you’re in a monthly section, or an annual number if you’re in an annual section. Does this make sense?*

Fixed Monthly Expenses
All of these are MONTHLY

Rent/Mortgage (don’t include property taxes and home insurance)*

Rent/Mortgage (don’t include property taxes and home insurance)*

Property Tax + Home Insurance*

Property Tax + Home Insurance*

Car Payments (loan or lease payment)*

Car Payments (loan or lease payment)*

Do you have a car lease?*

Do you have a car lease?*

Car Insurance*

Car Insurance*

Health Insurance*

Health Insurance*

Life Insurance*

Life Insurance*

What type of life insurance do you primarily have?*

What type of life insurance do you primarily have?*

Utilities (electricity, gas, water, etc.)*

Utilities (electricity, gas, water, etc.)*

What is your largest utility expense?*

What is your largest utility expense?*



Tuition (All ages including pre elementary full time care at a facility)*

Tuition (All ages including pre elementary full time care at a facility)*



Paying down bad credit card debt*

Paying down bad credit card debt*

Reminder before continuing, did you make sure all of the numbers on this page are monthly?*

Reminder before continuing, did you make sure all of the numbers on this page are monthly?*

Variable Monthly Expenses
All of these are MONTHLY



Family’s Primary Diet*

Family’s Primary Diet*



Transportation (gas, public transport)*

Transportation (gas, public transport)*

Medical Expenses (including co-pays, prescriptions)*

Medical Expenses (including co-pays, prescriptions)*

Non-tuition Childcare/Babysitting*

Non-tuition Childcare/Babysitting*

Household Supplies (cleaning, toiletries, etc.)*

Household Supplies (cleaning, toiletries, etc.)*



Dining Out*

Dining Out*

Guest Hosting/Hachnasas Orchim*

Guest Hosting/Hachnasas Orchim*



Reminder before continuing, did you make sure all of the numbers on this page are monthly?*

Reminder before continuing, did you make sure all of the numbers on this page are monthly?*

Variable Annual Expenses
All of these are ANNUAL

Pesach (food, matzos, wine, seder, chol hamoed trips, etc.)*

Pesach (food, matzos, wine, seder, chol hamoed trips, etc.)*

Sukkos (lulav, esrog, food, wine, chol hamoed trips, etc.)*

Sukkos (lulav, esrog, food, wine, chol hamoed trips, etc.)*

Yomim Noroyim (Kapparos, Rosh Hashana, etc.)*

Yomim Noroyim (Kapparos, Rosh Hashana, etc.)*

Summer Camp*

Summer Camp*



Shul Membership Dues (if NOT paid with maiser)*

Shul Membership Dues (if NOT paid with maiser)*

Tzedaka Above Maiser*

Tzedaka Above Maiser*

Car Maintenance*

Car Maintenance*

Home Maintenance/Improvements*

Home Maintenance/Improvements*





Monthly Savings/Investing Contributions (Optional Section)
All of these are MONTHLY

Saving for Down Payment / Saving for a House

Saving for Down Payment / Saving for a House

Future Simchas

Future Simchas



Emergency Fund

Emergency Fund





Any other savings? Tell me about them all here!

Any other savings? Tell me about them all here!

Reminder before continuing, did you make sure all of the numbers on this page are monthly?*

Reminder before continuing, did you make sure all of the numbers on this page are monthly?*

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